EU-funded Erasmus+ Programme Calls for Proposals are still open

European Union Erasmus+ Programme calls have been announced:

See Calls by Actions at

Erasmus+ is the European Union’s programme for 2014-2020 to support projects, partnerships, events and mobility in the areas of education, training, youth and sport.

The budget earmarked for Erasmus+ in Education and Training is estimated at EUR 1536,5 million and Jean Monnet EUR 11,4 million.

Within the current call of Erasmus+ programme in higher education and Jean Monnet, Ukrainian higher education institutions get opportunity to create partnerships with institutions in EU member states and other countries, implement international students and teachers exchange, modernize academic curricula, enhance connections between universities and society and to promote ideas of united Europe etc.

Detailed information on the participation rules, eligibility and selection criteria, application forms and other information is to be found in the already published Programme Guide

The following Erasmus+ actions in higher education are open for participation of Higher Education Institutions from Ukraine as a Partner Country of the Programme:


  • Mobility of individuals in the field of education and training (as partners) application deadline is March 4, 2015.
  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (as partners)– application deadline is March 4, 2015.
  • Capacity building in the field of higher education(partners and applicants) – application deadline is February 10, 2015 (closed).
  • Jean Monnet actions (applicants and partners)– application deadline is March 26, 2015.
  • Knowledge Alliances – application deadline is February 26, 2015 and Strategic Partnership in the field of education, training and youth – application deadline is April 30, 2015 (as partners, only in case value added to the project is very well justified).
  • Mobility of individuals in the field of youth
  • Capacity building in the field of youth
  • Meeting between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth

Other actions that are open for organisations and institutions from Ukraine in the announced Erasmus+ call:

More information on Youth dimension is to be found here –

Additionally information on Е-twinning is available at

Information Days on Erasmus+ programme in higher education in Ukraine for new calls will be organized in autumn-winter 2015.

Contacts: National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (for Higher Education and Jean Monnet Actions)

tel. +380442866668; e-mail: [email protected]

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